Our Mission & Vision

To unite and align Christian women, as believers of Jesus Christ and believers of the Holy Bible.

To grow and strengthen as the body of Christ, bonding together to pray, fellowship, study, receive,
rejoice, and apply God's words and principles for life's guidance, direction, and purpose.

To carry out God's Kingdom work and fulfill His purpose for our lives, for the family unit, for orphaned and disadvantaged children, and for Liberia; all onto the glory of God.

For the Women: Let there be an epidemic expansion in women's spiritual growth, strength, confidence, belief, faith, trust and purpose for living as they lead and influence through Godly principles, and through Christ.

For Liberia: Through the building up and the influence of the women, Liberia will prosper, thrive, and function as a Godly nation, a blazing example to other African nations, and throughout the world.

For Missions & Kingdom Work: To regularly share the word of God, serve, elevate and improve the lives of those most in need throughout the hinterlands of Liberia.

To provide an activity center for orphaned children in Liberia, where they can expand their minds and develop their God given abilities as creators, scholars, leaders and contributing citizens
of the Republic of Liberia, and the

For Virtuous Palm Ministry: Develop into an inspirational center, a place of refuge, for equipping, training,teaching, sharing, offering, hosting, serving, comforting and ministering to women from all over Liberia and around the world.