Our Founder

After living abroad for over 20 years, Wilrusha Fernandez returned to her native land, having acquired professional skills, particularly as a global Business Process and Project Manager. Wilrusha is determined to join with the people of Liberia, whom she calls her 'brothers and sisters' and 'her people', in securing
the restoration and revitalization of their homeland.

Having been orphaned at age three, after losing both parents in a tragic car accident, Wilrusha discovered salvation through the unexpected backdrop of
overcoming the pangs of loss and the lingering sense of longing that often follows the passing of loved ones. Through the loving care of her maternal
grandmother, Mother Hannah Mensah Holder, and then her Aunt and Uncle, Ambassador & Mrs. Edward L. Dunn Jr. and a host of loving relatives, godparents and very close family of friends, Wilrusha witnessed the healing power of God's love and never lived as or felt like an orphan. The lessons she learned through addressing by faith, loss, abandonment and heartbreak experienced early and later in her life now serves as the foundation on which she serves others.

A devoted and committed follower of the Christian faith, Wilrusha founded Virtuous Palm Ministries to unite, equip, and inspire Christian women to lead, serve, and grow purposefully onto the glory of God. While her heart is for all people, Wilrusha feels especially called to safeguard the well-being of Liberian women and orphans.

She has often shared that, "God and His angels encamped around me and blessed me. It is, therefore, my life's desire that the orphaned and disadvantaged children of Liberia realize that same love and care, know the Savior, Jesus Christ, and encounter His boundless love, and blessings through Virtuous Palm Ministry".

Passionate about developing a deeper, limitless relationship with God as well as cultivating an ever increasing knowledge of the Holy Bible, Wilrusha hopes to add to, not take away from, the rich Christian legacy of the Liberian people. Her heart's cry upon her return is that her people experience the love of Christ and receive her with the love in which she desires to shower on them.

Wilrusha has acquired educational degrees, a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Management and Organization, a Master's of Science in Managerial Leadership and a Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification. 
Additionally, she has faithfully served in Children's Ministries, Women's Ministries, as a Bible teacher and in several volunteer & leadership capacities at church. She has served as a founding member of a women's organization whose main mission is to serve women and children. She has volunteered as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for children in the foster care system in the State of Georgia, USA, while securing numerous hours in other volunteer projects, Bible study programs and Ministry Leadership Seminars and Training.
Wilrusha is passionate about going forth and sharing the Word of God while answering the call of God upon her life.